Mental Health Mondays: It’s Good To Feel Good [VIDEO]

Mental Health Monday, Rocki

Recently, I’ve been feeling pretty good in terms of my mental health. There’ve been situations here and there that I could feel bad about, but I have been trying to make the active choice to stay positive at those moments instead.

I used to think whenever I would go through a positive period in my life – even if it was just a couple of weeks – that maybe I got over my anxiety.

Unfortunately – at least for me – that’s not how anxiety works.

Something will pop up or get scheduled that will make my anxiety shoot all the way to the top. For me, however, the good news is that the longer I deal with anxiety, the more I’ve become aware of what I’m feeling and when; perhaps it works the same way for you too? As I always say, self-awareness is paramount when it comes to anxiety.

So when you feel good – appreciate it, because most likely you will experience anxiety again. Here’s something to keep in mind though – having anxiety is not the end of the world.

If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone and don’t have anyone to reach out to – email me. I will respond when I can. Thanks for being you!

Enjoy this week’s feel good happy fun time video!


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