Mental Health Monday: Be Aware Of Mood Changes

Mental Health Monday, Rocki

I’ve noticed a positive uptick in my overall mood recently. Since I suffer from pretty substantial anxiety, any time I notice a mood change – good or bad – I try and take note of what I’ve been doing and the environment around me. 

So for this particular run of happiness, I came to the conclusion that the weather has me feeling better. 

If you haven’t noticed, the weather has been warmer and the sun has been out more over the past days and weeks. I don’t always do the best job remembering to factor and keep the weather in the equation in the context of my general mental health. The older I get, however, the more that I think it’s starting to have an effect on me. 

And it turns out that I’m not alone. There is an actual name for it: Seasonal Affect Disorder, or S.A.D. It has a real impact on many people and is something to take into consideration when it comes to your mental health. 

At WNNS, we have our Circle of Friends, one of which is in the field of mental health. One of our friends, RaeAnne Dutz, works tirelessly here in Springfield to make sure there are resources available for every and anyone struggling with their mental health – or that of a loved one.  

Recently, she went into great detail about this – and it is definitely worth the listen! She talks extensively on S.A.D. but also brings a bountiful number of solutions to the table. As per usual, if you’d like to listen, check the whole conversation out below!

If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, I’m here. You can always reach me – anytime – at

Have a great week!

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