Mental Health Monday: You Are OK [VIDEO]


My anxiety recently has been good. It hasn’t been in the front of my mind as much – which is great, right? Whelp, at least for me, all that means is my brain is going to remind me not to get too comfortable. A lot of what my anxiety brings to the table is “anticipatory dread.” Stuff that has yet to happen builds up in my head much bigger than it could ever be. Although I understand this, it helps me manage it, but it doesn’t mean it goes away.

Usually after about a month of feeling really good, I will start to focus on an impending panic attack other than the fact that things have been going really well. This would turn it into a positive train of thought, but my brain just doesn’t naturally think that way. It doesn’t mean that you can’t teach the brain to create a different train of thought, but I just haven’t mastered that.

For me what helps with this is my understanding that anxiety is part of my experience. I don’t see that changing too much. If it were too, that would be welcomed. As far as how the past ten years have gone, its looks like it might be around for a while. With the understanding that anxiety is a part of you, for me, it gives a control over it in a weird way. Not all the time, but any chance I get to feel control over my anxiety, I will take. Have a great Monday!

Remember. No matter what, you are not alone. If you feel that way, please email me at

Here is this weeks good time feel good video:


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