ISP issues statement regarding risk of hate crimes across Illinois in current geopolitical climate


The Illinois State Police has issued a statement reminding residents that we all must remain vigilant about the heightened risk of hate crimes in the wake of the Middle East Conflict.

ISP continues coordinating statewide law enforcement communications and activity in response to the elevated level of threats of violence and hate crimes related to the current conflict.

ISP continues its outreach to Muslim and Jewish communities in Illinois to communicate with and support religious leaders being impacted by the current threat environment.

“Everyone in Illinois – both law enforcement and community members alike- must remain on guard against both terrorism and hate crimes during this period of volatility,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly.  “If you see something, say something, before it’s too late.”

ISP stated further that although they remain at a heightened state of readiness, there currently is no actionable intelligence regarding any credible mass threats in Illinois.

The department said that the public should report suspicious behavior to their local law enforcement agency or call 911, depending on the level of the threat.

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