The Morning Routines Talks Disaster Relief With Lou Bart Of YMCA [AUDIO]


There is one positive thing that comes from disasters. When you look past the lack of power, discomfort without air conditioning, spoiled food and so many other things that come with a state of emergency – you see people helping people. When we are so seemingly divided, it’s so great to see people and organizations stepping up to t the plate to help each other and the community during this time.

One of these organizations is the YMCA. They have and will continue to keep their facilities open to those who have not yet had the power switched back on. They offer a place to relax, cool off, charge devices,  and work – all of the things we take for granted every day.

The YMCA, does this not because they are asked to, but because they see it as their duty. This is only one thing out of many they do on a regular basis to help those in need right here in Springfield. For more information on the YMCA or what they are doing to help those without power, please visit SPRINGFIELDYMCA.ORG.

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